Kicsit ciki volt már ez a gines poszt, így akartam írni valamit, hogy lejjebb menjen. Mondjuk nem tudom, hogy ez nem cikibb‑e, de legalább ezután nem hánytam.
Van nekem a LinkedInen majdnem 1500 barátom, mondjuk ezeknek egy részéről akkor se tudnám elmondani, hogy honnan ismerem, ha nagyon komolyan fenyegetnének. Na jó, ez nem igaz, tudom, hogy honnan ismerem az emberek jó részét: LinkedInről, amikor írtak, hogy “let me be your Valentine connection”. De nem mindenkivel dolgoztam együtt, ez tény. Egyik ilyen ismim PP (ez a monogramja), akivel a minap (hétvégén, tegyük hozzá!) kellemes beszélgetésem volt. Azóta már nem BFF-em (ki érti, miért?), de azért iderakom a chatlogot, mert vicces.
PP: Hello Laszlo, Let me know if you’re looking for Web and Mobile App developer & Designer assistance. We provide quality to our deity customers at $15/hr. Quality: Skills: Look forward to your response.
LM: Hi P, I’d like to offer you our engineering and consulting services. We are a bit more expensive than 15 bucks an hour, but at least we are not limited to mobile development. Should I send you a contract? Cheers, Laszlo
PP: Are you looking for any web or mobile app development services for now? We charge only 15 per hour
LM: Are you looking for good developers for now? I can charge you XXX CHF a day. (Ide beírtam egy szép nagy számot, aminek semmi köze a valósághoz.) Please tell me how much time you need to think to find out that you are trying to sell your development capabilities to a company who do that and much more. I give you 1 minute.
PP: I understand. Just visit our website once: It’s
LM: Who is your boss? I’ll tell her that you keep annoying me
PP: I’m the boss only. The thalaiva of the company
LM: Are you also writing to X and Y? (Ide beraktam két konkurens cég nevét, de nem fogom itt reklámozni őket.) Are they looking for developers, or maybe they can sort it out with their 300’000 employees? (…) I was thinking, I would like to buy a mobile app from you guys. It should be connected to the messaging API of LinkedIn. The use case is simple: if I’m working for a development company and someone approaches me asking if I need services from a development company, then it sends smart and satirical messages to that person trying to find out how quickly she will apologize and stop disturbing me. How much would this cost?
PP: It’s depends on scope of the document. Please share with me so that I can give you exact estimation
LM: I have a simpler use case. I give you 15 USD right now, and you don’t write to me anything for at least a year. No questions asked. No links. No offering of services. Do we have a deal? Tick-tock. Okay, now it went down to 8 USD. And now the offer expired
PP: Do you have 15USD ?
LM: I can get a mortgage
PP: That would be awesome
LM: Send me your IBAN
PP: For what ? Do you wanna send $15 ?
LM: Yes. But to be able to do so I’d ask you to send me a one-time payment of 16 USD. To know that you are not a bot. But a serious businessman. Thalaiva, as we say it in Hungarian. It translates to “a person who doesn’t know when to stop messaging on LinkedIn”
PP: lol
LM: P, I’ll be honest with you, I’m not a good client
PP: I understand
LM: You are a nice person and I wish you good luck in your business and personal life. Take care. Stay safe
PP: You really dont know how to talk with person. Karma will see you soon. Thanks
LM: 👍
PP: 😊
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